a journal of the one man revolution

The Revolution May Now be Synthesized

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Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a musician, blogger and peace activist. I live in Canada and I am a member of the Catholic Worker movement. I am not an Anglican but I no longer identify myself with Roman Catholicism and choose to worship through my art and in the Anglican church. I make industrial, experimental noise, and punk influenced blues.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Soy cheese tries too hard to be real cheese

There, I said it.

After my innnitial excitement at the possibillity of a cheese-like substance made from soy that I could eat over lent and that I could use as a source of protien and maybe year-round as an ingredient in things (I like cheese) I went out and bought myself a brick of the stuff full of excitement, I almost bought a pocket knife so I could open the package and dig in before I got home yesterday. I got back home and opened the package and discovered much tyo my horror that it doesn't come close, not even close to that abysmal stuff Kraft makes and calls cheese, it was like it wanted to be Kraft singles, but it was too rich and too salty and there was something just not quite right about both the texture and the flavour. I tried very hard to give it the benefit of the doubt, I ate close to a third of the brick hoping that it would just take a bit of getting used to but I'm just not going to be getting used to that too soon. So I'm left with a bunch of soy cheese which I don't want and don't feel right giving to a street person, after all I wouldn't want to eat it and personal repulsion is not a chriteria for almsgiving in my world so what to do with my soy cheese?

I guess this means there needs to be a greater ascetic comittment on my part to the Lenten fast.

goodbye cheese, see you after Easter.


Blogger Chris Rooney said...

so I keep hearing, perhaps you could recommend a good one to look for. I miss cheese.

3:01 AM  
Blogger Chris Rooney said...

also soy hotdogs are ok though they require a certain degree of suspension of disbelief in order to capture their real majesty. Yves Spicy Chilli Dogs rock out with katchup and hot sauce but you have to cook them on a skillet or a grille, no ammount of boiling will cut it.

I find it helps not to think about them as hot dogs because that just leads to dissappointment.

3:04 AM  

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