a journal of the one man revolution

The Revolution May Now be Synthesized

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Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a musician, blogger and peace activist. I live in Canada and I am a member of the Catholic Worker movement. I am not an Anglican but I no longer identify myself with Roman Catholicism and choose to worship through my art and in the Anglican church. I make industrial, experimental noise, and punk influenced blues.

Monday, February 05, 2007

House of Anger installment #2

shaking from confrontation and general crappiness. My room-mate T has real issues which she needs to solve and I'm not as able to restrain myself sometimes. Since coming home she's done very little more than attack verbally, being very beligerent about things that in my opinion are largely her problems imposed on me and the other people in the house petty annoying things like how I had accidentally knocked over her nail polish two months ago losing the lid in the sink, or how I had spilled tea she had left out the night before on her carpet and offered to pay for the drycleaning expenses but never took the thing to a drycleaner for her.

I was not prepared for this sort of thing, I was in a good mood when I got home from work tonight, I unpacked my groceries and was getting ready to make some tea and relax and she comes in an lays into me quite randomly. I kept telling her that I had offered to pay for her carpet to get cleaned the day after I spilled her tea on it but she never gave me a bill or told me how much it would cost, she indignently told me that it didn't matter (though it really does to her). I left the kitchen and came in here but she went into the TV room right outside my door and started getting into it with one of my other roomies and I just had to re-insert myself into the discourse. I told her that the only person who has ever been really beligerent in this place and made things hard is her and she started bringing up the carpet again and when she said that friends don't spill things on their friends carpets I lost my cool. I reminded her that friends also don't threaten to call the police on their friends over money they lost in their own rooms and are too lazy to look for it properly. I also reminded her about how when she flipped out and went missing for two weeks in the snowstorm I was so worried that K another of my housemates had to call me at my work to tell me that T had returned because if she haddn't I was going to place a missing persons report with the pigs, I was afraid for days that she was frozen in a parkade or in some fucking homeless shelter. After telling her that I really didn't appreciate what she was on about and that I'll pay for her carpet and to replace her nail polish but for the next two months it would be better if we gave each other space.

I'd sublet this little reality drama but I don't want to inflict this bullshit on anyone else. At least the downstairs neighbours have been pretty peaceful tonight.

maybe I should put an add in craigslist and try and get this place subletted until April, then again maybe I ought to just keep the room until my lease runs out and leave a little early, it's only until the end of March anyway. Besides who's to say that a Catholic Worker house is going to be any better? If I end up opening a new one here one thing I've thought of doing is opening it up as a short term hospice for the mentally ill. If that's the direction things go in then I should get used to this kind of thing, maybe I should look for some kind of nonviolence training or conflict resolution workshops this spring and summer, it couldn't hurt.



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