a journal of the one man revolution

The Revolution May Now be Synthesized

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Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a musician, blogger and peace activist. I live in Canada and I am a member of the Catholic Worker movement. I am not an Anglican but I no longer identify myself with Roman Catholicism and choose to worship through my art and in the Anglican church. I make industrial, experimental noise, and punk influenced blues.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

sounds like I'll be going back to LA

So I just got an e-mail from Claire at the LACW and I've been accepted for their summer internship program! and they're waiving my application! six weeks in LA this summer, it will be good to see my friends again and I'm looking forward to serving on their breakfast and lunch lines. Also I like to think that myy cooking has improved a lot since last summer so when it comes time for me to cook dinner for the house they will get something that isn't re-heated lasagna or squash.

I'm so tired today. Yesterday was hellish and took a lot out of me. I was glad for the extra day today and took the opportunity to sleep in and take my time about having a shower and eating breakfast, I went to do a couple of errands and not that I'm home again I feel like all I want to do is sleep though I'm going to try and stay up a few more hours so that I'll wake up at a decent hour, I probably got about ten hours yesterday and today all I feel like doing is going back to bed, I bet I could sleep another ten right now easily.


Blogger Chris Rooney said...

you know, if you're interested in their internship program you can learn all about it on their website: www.lacatholicworker.org

I'll write you an e-mail and try and give you some idea about what it is I'd like to do with it. Really though it's the sort of thing that I'd like to unfold gradually and from dialogue between you, James, and I and anyone else who expresses an interest.

I'm really glad that your visit to the monastery was so good, it sounds very much like the kind of place it is hard to leave.

8:12 PM  

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