a journal of the one man revolution

The Revolution May Now be Synthesized

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Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a musician, blogger and peace activist. I live in Canada and I am a member of the Catholic Worker movement. I am not an Anglican but I no longer identify myself with Roman Catholicism and choose to worship through my art and in the Anglican church. I make industrial, experimental noise, and punk influenced blues.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

w00t mother fucker.... w00t

So my upstairs neighbours are playing what sounds like electronic polka or something, anyway it's just about the worst music I've heard coming from their place yet. In all fairness Mark and I were doing some pretty fucked up stuff earlier and no one complained. It was really good to get together with Mark again to jam, it's been so long since I really let loose with all the gear.

Mark and I are doing this avant-guard electronic stuff under the title The Empire Of Crime. At times it is really creepy and others it's this sublime droning trance stuff and still others it sounds like Negativland. Most of the equipment is tape recorders and radio and pedals, getting together to jam usually means about half an hour of setting things up right and getting the recording device wired to the rest of the gear so we can save it for posterity and then we just sort of see where the noise takes us. This is our secind year of doing this and we've got an album containing the best exerpts from our jams. I'd love to do something with it but don't really have any connections to distribution or printing CD's. I did construct a page where you can download some of our music for free. the URL is http://www.lulu.com/empire-of-crime

It's 4:00am and I am going to have to suffer through the upstairs guys because after the racket we made earlier it would be really lame of me to start raising a fuss (though I almost want to anyway...)

Production on my hopefully forthcoming folk CD is going to resume in about a week. I can't help but feel lame about it though. I've had weeks to practice and yet all I've done is brush it off

I could make the excuse that the previous recording sessions have burnt me out a bit but though it's true it's equally true that I need to just slog through it for now and then take my rest when it's time instead of getting lazy and ignoring my responsibillity. I do wish though that I could get some more gigs maybe the pressure of playing live would make me get my folk on.

Right now I'm really in to two bands that I can't recommend enough.

Robyn Hitchcock's first band "The Soft Boys"

and this group called "Iron and Wine"

I'm tired. why won't they stop playing that awful music?


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