a journal of the one man revolution

The Revolution May Now be Synthesized

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Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a musician, blogger and peace activist. I live in Canada and I am a member of the Catholic Worker movement. I am not an Anglican but I no longer identify myself with Roman Catholicism and choose to worship through my art and in the Anglican church. I make industrial, experimental noise, and punk influenced blues.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

the House of Anger

So I'm back in Vancouver and back in my place.... Stunned is a good word for how I feel right now, so is dismayed. I havn't even been home a week and my house-mate T is going manic and really agro.

I just got home from a day of bike repairs and errands and she comes out and with a defensive posture and tone of voice starts giving it to me about how the kitchen is always dirty and how there needs to be some kind of chore roster set up for everyone. While I agree having a good understanding of how this place gets clean is a thing we could all use but I had to remind her that I've been in Portland for the past week and that I am pretty good about getting my own dishes and stuff clean. Then she goes off on a tangent about something she bought for a friend and I go into the kitchen to unload my groceries. T comes into the kitchen and gives me five dollars because she ate a bunch of my veggie sausages. I tell her it's no big thing but she insists and I ask that in the future if she wants to have some of my food it would be better if she seals it properly and I'm in the middle of telling her that she's welcome to eat anything of mine that isn't specifically labled and she cuts me off and starts telling me that she doesn't need my food and that she's got more money than I do anyway. At that I had to tell her I needed some space and couldn't talk with her she gets all "what ever" on me and I go into my room ostensibly to check my e-mails and write this bitch-post. The family downstairs has been in a fight over something or other since I came into my room, I can hear the various members weighing in on something and they have been getting really in to it, all of this floats up through my air vent so that if I were really interested (which I'm not) I could probably hear every word.

I am reminded that next week is the start of February and that means that I have two months left on this lease. Thank God I only have two months left on this lease.


Blogger Rob said...

we should hang out soon. Let me know when you are free.

Sorry to hear about the rage-a-hol in your home life. That sucks.

12:06 AM  

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