a journal of the one man revolution

The Revolution May Now be Synthesized

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Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a musician, blogger and peace activist. I live in Canada and I am a member of the Catholic Worker movement. I am not an Anglican but I no longer identify myself with Roman Catholicism and choose to worship through my art and in the Anglican church. I make industrial, experimental noise, and punk influenced blues.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

My Goodness it's Portland outside!

Came down to Portland-towne after that confrence in Olympia. (I'll write a proper entry about my thoughts and such when I get home).

I have a few friends down here thanks to the internet. While I malign the web often I can't deny, it does have it's benefits. Also I love Portland, of all the cities I've visited in the US I think this one is my faveourite. So many punks, and activists and labour people and wobblies and bicycles... and then there's Powells. Powells is the mecca of new/used bookstores in the Pacific North West, in my world equal only to Shakespear and Company for sheer awsomeness. They also have a zine store here called Reading Frenzy! Portland is nuts about indy presses, I'm not sure but I think that more zines get made in PDX than in any other Western North American city.

Last night I got a ride into town with someone leaving Olympia and I stayed at the house of two other book sellers (both employed by Powells). It was really awsome to wake up to a blue sky and an outside temperature which had me blessing the cool air rather than cursing it. My hosts were more than hospitable, we stayed up late talking about our experiences the day before and then in the morning they bought me breakfast at a great co-operative cafee called the red and black.

For those of you who read this blog you might know that I've been on a diet while in Canada, I hoped I'd be able to maintain it on the road but have found it much easier to just eat what everyone else is eating, this could have been a disaster except that the people and placed I've been staying are all vegitarian and vegan friendly so I have positively been rocking the tofu and beans and veggies. I got to the place I'll be staying while I'm here and they had veggie enchiuladas whith ground-round, I need to get the recipe, they were dry and cold being the left overs from the night before and they didn't have any sauce on them but they were so good just as a kind of sandwich almost... lots of cheeze on them. yum.

the folks at the Olympia CW shared with me their idea to one day compile a recipe book of Catholic Worker favourites from arround the world, and have included with each meal a story (if one exists). I think this is an amazing idea personally, it could be a real benefit to a lot of worker communities who could sell copies to raise funds and it could fill a need I think exists for people who are just starting out in this vocation who might want to open a soup kitchen for instance but are daunted by the thought of cooking for hundreds. It could also benefir people like me who like to have good food that comes along with stories. I suppose that only time will tell if this ever happens but after recieving a copy of a cook book called "The Secrets of Jesuit Soup Making" I am convinced that anything is possible.

Today I went to Powells with some friends and bought a copy of "Seraphim Rose His Life and Works" By Hieromonk Damascene Christensen. I've written to Fr Christensen in regards to printing stuff by Fr. Seraphim Rose in the zine and I know he's been at the Monastery in Platina CA for a long time but it was a surprise to me to discover that he is so distinguished. I am really looking forward to reading it. I had a few other books in hand as I approached the case looking for stuff by Fr. Seraphim and when I saw that book I had this feeling of not needing the other ones nearly as much as I ought to have that book, so I put down my Hildegaard and Josephus and bought the biography of Fr. Seraphim, I also found a copy of a book I've been looking for since I was in LA "Prayers for the Domestic Church" so both of those an issie of craphound and some other random ephemera make up my shopping experience of Portland. I was going to buy some new bondage pants because my mom accidentally took my old ones to the sally ann but the store where I bought my last pair didn't have any good ones left, it's dissappointing because I really liked them and because they tend to be really expensive everywhere else I've looked. Maybe I'll have to order a pair off the internet.

oh well. I have a real journal to finish writing in and it's getting kind of late here. I've been invited to mass with a friend here and I don't want to miss it. It will be the first Catholic Mass I've attended since Baltimore. Ok so that's it for now, pray with me that I get to bring this Portland weather up the coast with me when I come home.



Blogger Chris Rooney said...

That's ok, I'm trying something new for this month. But if you do get some stuff together for the March issue please let me know I'd love to publish more of your work

5:53 PM  

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