a journal of the one man revolution

The Revolution May Now be Synthesized

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Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a musician, blogger and peace activist. I live in Canada and I am a member of the Catholic Worker movement. I am not an Anglican but I no longer identify myself with Roman Catholicism and choose to worship through my art and in the Anglican church. I make industrial, experimental noise, and punk influenced blues.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

tablebeast: the source of uncertainty

Been rocking the tablebeast today with the Evolver as backing

this thing shreds but in some very unpredictable ways. I've been trying to suss out the verious bends inside the patch bay. I figure that it can't be totally random inside, and I think I'm right. The dude who made this thing has in fact wired certain sections to different levels of the patch bay, for instance drum sounds are predominantly on the upper two or three rows of RCA jacks while keyboard function and malfunction are the middle and I think that sampling is the bottom but it's too early to be certain.

This thing ought to have been called the tablebeats because of the badass casio drum tracks it can lay down and believe me it loves to lay this shit down. I'll be patching on some piano riff and it will just automatically trigger the drum machine some how and you can get it to do all sorts of complicated patterns and fills just by moving the RCA cables around. I almost want to sell my drum machine.

(time lapse 3 1/2 hours later)

I've been at it some more. Tablebeast is best heard solo so far anyway. I put it through the Evolver and used the midi out to sequence some rhythm with my FB01 (it's wicked good at chiming sounds and clashing sounds also the strings aren't that bad).

Anyway running the tablebeast trough the Evolver's filter section didn't do too much for it except muddy the sounds and bends. I had a couple patches which sounded like evil laughter but in the end it was very difficult to tell what was Evolver noise and what was the tablebeast. In the end I plugged it back into it's own input and played around on it while the evolver interfaced with the FB01. I will probably post more about all this when I get my MS20 back I'll write up something about tablebeast and co. once I've been able to run them through the signal processor on that. I am hoping that I can get it to really effect the korg hardcore.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

jesse mesa savage ripped me off. I would never buy anything tablebeast made

8:46 PM  
Blogger Chris Rooney said...

I've heard that he's an ass. I didn't buy it from him and given the number of people who've said exactly the same thing you just have I don't think I ever will.

I got mine second hand from craigslist.

9:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In what way were you ripped off? I bought two of his modded vintage amps, and am just curious.

8:42 PM  
Blogger Chris Rooney said...

wow people actually and still read this blog??? I'd damn near forgotten about it :D

7:10 AM  

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