a journal of the one man revolution

The Revolution May Now be Synthesized

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Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a musician, blogger and peace activist. I live in Canada and I am a member of the Catholic Worker movement. I am not an Anglican but I no longer identify myself with Roman Catholicism and choose to worship through my art and in the Anglican church. I make industrial, experimental noise, and punk influenced blues.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

blogging on the job

I've got some free timne here at the bookstore and so I figured I'd write a bit about what's been going on in my life. Still going to LA in a couple of weeks only I will be coming home earlier due to the fact that they will be starting their summer intern program and won't have any room for me after the end of June. Typing on a PC again after so long with the lappy is kind of difficult.

I've had this feeling like being on the verge of tears for the past few hours. I'm not too sure why, I could probably find a number of reasons for my fragility today and many of them would require more back story than I care to write today.

I've been slacking off on my music lately and that's probably going to kick my ass on Friday when I go back into the studio with Todd.

I've been trying to figure out what I might be able to do for work when I come back from my trips this summer. God willing, the bookstore is not going to drop out of my life because I love working here and pasrticipating in the collective meetings and such but one thing I need to do when I come home is think very seriously about what I will be able to do to get off of my government pension and start supporting myself.

Another area of some concern for me is starting the Worker house here, I try not to worry about where anything is going to come from--actually I've become pretty good most of the time at not giving it any thought. I'm trying to leave it in God's hands because otherwise I would probably panic and not get anything accomplished at all. However no matter how good I am most of the time the thought always manages to sneak back in about who will be willing to help me start it and where things like jobs and money and house will come from.

One of the things I've given thought to as far as work goes is maybe getting involved in CMHA or another group who deal with mental health. I don't have any accreditation in this area but from my own life experiences I'm sure that I at least have a fighting chance at a low level position doing something.

Last night I watched Romero with Barrett and Sarah, it was a really good film, it was shot in El Salvadore and many of the locations, like the church where Archbishop Romero was killed were the actual places where events had happened.

Watching that film made me want to have another go at reading Gutierrez "Theology of Liberation". I am certain that I will get to it sooner or later. of all my books on Theology opr radical politics that and Tolstoy's "The Kingdom of God is Within You" are both titles which I hope to read through soon.

Yesterday before the film I went to a meeting of this peace group here in town and much of the focus was on the up coming World Peace Forum here in Vancouver. I'll have to check the dates again because if it turns out that I'll be home durring the event I will have to make a point of going.

There's also something going on in Castlegar with regards to draft dodgers and other war resisters, if I'm here in time I want to try and get to that.

bleh I'm feeling like a zombie right now and I don't really know if I've got much else to say so I'll just be cutting it short and getting back to looking like I'm doing something book store related.



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