a journal of the one man revolution

The Revolution May Now be Synthesized

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Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a musician, blogger and peace activist. I live in Canada and I am a member of the Catholic Worker movement. I am not an Anglican but I no longer identify myself with Roman Catholicism and choose to worship through my art and in the Anglican church. I make industrial, experimental noise, and punk influenced blues.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

solidaritry forever

If you live in Vancouver BC I urge you to come out to this rally and show support for the victims of gentrification and the ush for the 2010 olympics. More than tax payers or small business owners it's the impoverished who bear the real costs of Vancouvers Olympic bid. They lose their homes, their communities, they are subject to police and government harassment and are pushed further and further into the suburbs where they will be forced to live in the same poor conditions that they live now only they will be out of sight for the wealthy tourists that our city hopes to attract.

Rally to Save DTES Hotel!
Fri Sept 29th @ 11am
928 Main St.
(2 blocks North of Main St. Sky Train)

The Save Low Income Housing Coalition calls on all supporters to attend a rally that has been organized to save the American Hotel.

Tenants of the hotel have received illegal eviction notices and are to be forced out by Saturday. Although the city acknowledges that the evictions are illegal they refuse to do anything about it.

We hope that a show of public support will force the city into action. In fact mobilizations of activist and tenants have been the only thing so far that has succeeded in keeping the Olympic wrecking ball from tearing down peoples homes.

Please come out and show your solidarity. Bring signs, banners, puppets,instruments,
and anything else to let the city know that we demand HOMES NOT GAMES!

In solidarity,
The Save Low-Income Housing Coalition Organizing Committee

Organizations currently involved in the working group are:

AIDS Vancouver, Anti-Poverty Committee, Asian Society for Intervention HIV/AIDS, BCGEU Component 6, BC Health Coalition, Downtown Eastside Residents Association, DTES Women’s Center, Neighborhood Helpers, No One Is Illegal, PIVOT Legal Society, Sex Workers Action Group, Western Aboriginal Harm Reduction Society, Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users, Vancouver Status of Women

if you can please try and share this with as many people as you believe would be interested in attending.


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