a journal of the one man revolution

The Revolution May Now be Synthesized

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Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a musician, blogger and peace activist. I live in Canada and I am a member of the Catholic Worker movement. I am not an Anglican but I no longer identify myself with Roman Catholicism and choose to worship through my art and in the Anglican church. I make industrial, experimental noise, and punk influenced blues.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

no I won't tell you what I'm upset about

sometimes I wonder what's the fucking use.

yah that's right.

what's the fucking use?


Blogger Rob said...

If you believe Derrida, there is no use. Communication is essentially pointless.

Of course, I don't believe Derrida. Do you?

12:30 PM  
Blogger Chris Rooney said...

essentially pointless maybe, substantially important certainly.

I can appreciate Derrida's critique of language phrased as you have but would preffer to say that communication is essentially limmiting because there are some things which are outside the scope of language and therefore pointless to try and communicate them with words.

language, involving the consensus of people who speak it, makes creating new words difficult without wide cultural exposure and is itself meaningless because words are not precisely or permanently linked to their definitions which is why fields like semantics and exist and why some words take on new overtones or even totally different meanings as the language evolves, for instance freedom when used by Buss means something totally different than what Thurough defended, piety is almost a perjorative in modern use and associated with religious hippocracy while one thousand years ago it was a thing to aspire after. the word cool is the best example of this linguistic interchangabillity, it could mean any number of things depending on the context it's used in.

So yes language is limiting when it's used precisely and limiting when it's ambiguous however if no one tried to relate to anyone else through this medium the whole world as we know it would destroy itself and people would take on the behaviours and attitudes of psychopaths, completely cut off from everyone else and interested only in satisfying their immediate personal needs at the expense of those arround them in nescessary.

thank God we don't live in that kind of world.

1:22 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

so where does this leave you with your incommunicable issue?

2:07 PM  

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