a journal of the one man revolution

The Revolution May Now be Synthesized

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Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a musician, blogger and peace activist. I live in Canada and I am a member of the Catholic Worker movement. I am not an Anglican but I no longer identify myself with Roman Catholicism and choose to worship through my art and in the Anglican church. I make industrial, experimental noise, and punk influenced blues.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Nick Drake is my musical hero

so some updates...

After thinking further on the place at 70 mile house and talking with james, also after looking at a map of BC we've both agreed that it's not the place to start.

I'm leaving in the morning for Kenora/Grassy Narrows with Christian Peacemaker Teams I'm pretty excited about this I don't know what to expect at all.

I'm still questioning whether I ought to remain in the Roman Catholic Church. I havn't been to mass in a couple of weeks and the last time I was part of an eucharist was in Guadalupe at the Catholic Worker. I'm kind of in a different space than I was last year at this time, though I still disagree over the Papal claims and the Vatican I Doctrines I'm no longer angry with the church just sad and though I believe that God wouldn't let the Roman church out to dry because the Pope wants to grasp at power I also get this twinge each time I recite some of the prayers in my Catholic prayer book whenever Mary's immaculate conception is mentioned.

Also I find it difficult to go to church in Vancouver generally, the parish I like I have difficulty getting to and I'm the youngest person there by about thirty years and the Cathedral downtown is full of fanatics and I'm not using hyperbole, I have heard some very distressing homilies there and I don't feel comfortable in a place where I have to remind myself that I'm there for the Eucharist not some man's opinion.

I'm currently still trying to sort out my vocation. I have no doubt that the life I want to live is the life of a Catholic Worker, in community and poverty and in servise and solidarity with the poor. But since going to Assisi a new dimension has arisen. I can't recall if I wrote about this here but when I was on the steps leaving San Damiano I had for just a moment this clarity about going into Holy Orders. It was at once exciting and infuriating and has left me with a lot to think about and it's clarified my position on something, marriage is very important to me and I don't feel that I could live a life of service apart from the life of a husband and father. So you can understand one reason I've had issue with the Catholic position on clerical celibacy.

I've been thinking about going back to St. Nina's or St. Raphael's and I hope that my trip to Kenora will help me think clearly about this issue.

In other, non church-related news work on the new CD is coming along really well, I'll be wrapping up the studio sessions when I get home and I've written two new songs that I hope to put on the album. I'm also thinking about starting a band but I'm not certain how or with whom. I've got gear and I've got a whole bunch of songs that I'd love to play with other people but for now I think that just getting the CD finished and pressed and playing around town will be a lot of work to start with.

I think that's it for now. I'm going to go to bed I've got an early morning.


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