a journal of the one man revolution

The Revolution May Now be Synthesized

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Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a musician, blogger and peace activist. I live in Canada and I am a member of the Catholic Worker movement. I am not an Anglican but I no longer identify myself with Roman Catholicism and choose to worship through my art and in the Anglican church. I make industrial, experimental noise, and punk influenced blues.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

my internets connection: now with 50% more reliability

wich basically I now theoretically have internet in the house. this is theoretically because the wireless signal is pretty weak in my room. I am thinking about finding a cable modem and just plugging into the wall because the house wireless connection is prone to cutting out and it only really works well when my neighbour's wireless network is on as well to suppliment the signal.

things progress well out here. I'm happy that I now have a modicum of controll over the crappy wireless connection and I have a new bed, one which doesn't mangle my back. It's raining, I wish it were foggy and not raining. I want to go for a bike ride but not in this deluge. maybe I'll get my shit together enough to buy proper rain gear for bicycling. I am also in the unenviable position of having to find a way to afford winter boots and pay down a loan from my mom on a second hand photocopier.

that's right I'm going indy! I'm getting a xerox machine to start a zine press and hopefully break close to even therefore making it possible to print the Christian Radical for free and avoid asshole printshop owners. Of course this is the dream. I might discover to my horror that printing zines myself will become a horrible money pit that will only destroy me and keep me in crippling poverty.

Only time will tell.

I went to Divine Liturgy at Saint Nina's Orthodox mission here in Vancouver this morning. I am friends with the priest of the mission and one of my close friends also goes there regularly. It's a nice place, it's a congregation which began as the Orthodox Chaplaincy at UBC so it's small young and very theologically educated all of these things are great things to have in a parish. There's also a girl there I'd like to get to know better...

Orthodox mass is a really beautiful thing to participate in. there are no hymns, rather the entire liturgy except the creed is chanted by the whole congregation so in a way the whole mass is one big song. It also has many elements in common with the Old Catholic liturgy.

They have Holy Vespers on Saturday nights followed by discussion, I went last night and was really amazed to find a place where people are actually discussing theology on their own time and in an inteligent and inclusive way.

I think I'll be going to that fairly regularly.


Blogger Rob said...

Make sure you check ouy SFPIRG's zine funding program here


3:16 PM  

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