fire Paul Wolfowitz
The battle for the Presidency of the World Bank is coming to a climax, and it's a replay of the Iraq war: George Bush and Paul Wolfowitz vs the World. The world is on the verge of winning this time -- and we can help tip the balance.
On Monday Wolfowitz will testify before the Bank Board. At the same time, Bush will meet with European leaders to decide his fate. We need one last push to build our petition before we deliver it on Monday. Click below to sign it and pass it on to 5 friends:
Our YouTube campaign against Wolfowitz's misleadership of the Bank has gone viral with over 100,000 views, and has been covered by USA Today, the Washington Post, and the Guardian (UK). World Bank staff have also been circulating it on their internal staff lists.
All the pressure is working. Governments around the world, the World Bank Staff Association, even Wolfowitz's own deputies believe he should resign. The World Bank is far from perfect. Some of its policies have helped alleviate poverty; others have made things worse. But fixing it is urgently important for the world's poor -- and no progress is possible so long as Wolfowitz is in charge.
Let's win this one. Sign the petition, and send it to five of your friends. It's time to show Bush that the world won't stand for Wolfowitz to stay.